transform School ManagemenT
Head teachers are often unprepared in formal training and skills, which presents roadblocks in their ability to focus on providing strategic inputs in attaining higher standards of education. This leads to heads of schools focussing on administrative issues and diminishes their influence in the pivotal role they play in bettering learning outcomes.
Transform School Management is a professional development programme for school leaders that strengthens leadership and management capacities to improve the standards of schools.
The two-year programme is delivered through blended means and aims to help teachers make informed decisions to pursue professional aspirations and roles. The participants are equipped to improve school performance based on equity and learning indicators, while also being able to improve young girls’ agency and access to opportunities.
It includes self-learning modules, training sessions, coaching, peer support networks, reflection exercises, and access to interactive resources on school leadership and management.
The programme enables Head Teachers and future Head Teachers to identify and transform school level challenges by addressing personal, professional, and systemic barriers to school development.
With Transform School Management, the leadership capacities of women head teachers are strengthened for better school planning and management that is gender transformative for the school, its leaders and students.
key highlights
Creation of a peer network support system and for encouraging peer learnings
Support and monitoring through QA visits
Creation of peer network as support system
school governors and 59,432 schools trained across India
of schools in Uttar Pradesh developed annual plans for the first time
knowledge on school leadership, up from 30% previously