Over the past six months, with help from awesome colleagues at MIGHTY ALLY, I.G. Advisors and our diverse Board and Advisors, our team looked hard at the who, what and why of our work.
We are happy to share our newly evolved Theory of Change which will guide both our thinking and work in the coming years as we gear up to impact learning for 20M students by 2030. Our team and work have grown immensely in the past four years and our new TOC captures both our experiences and aspirations to guide upcoming work.
Strategic and candid dialogue with our senior leadership, as well as insightful feedback from Abha Thorat-Shah Soma Pujari, Dr Sanjay Patra, Akshay Soni, Surendra Jain, Sharath Jeevan OBE Rebecca Eastmond, Sandra Sequeira, Janine Schooley helped us distil key areas of opportunity and growth.
We now have a future-facing document that clearly outlines how we are going to achieve impact at scale, while staying true to a spirit of innovation, collaboration and high-quality programming. For us this is a living document, which we will refine – adding colour and reshaping boundaries!
This TOC also gives you a sneak peek at our new brand. Do keep an eye on this space for more details on what our new logo and colours mean!
If you are interested in learning more about the process or partnering with Transform Schools do reach out at partnerships@peopleforaction.org